
From Miley Cyrus to Michael Jackson, these artists prove that even the biggest superstars are human after all.

We always say that superstars were born to perform. They’re usually completely effortless on stage and make it seem like owning the crowd is the easiest job in the world. So whenever an artist forgets lyrics or hits the wrong note, it shocks us. Wait, are they human too?! Take a look at these 20 videos of the biggest names in music messing up the words and being totally cool about it, and keep it in mind next time you need to make a presentation in front of the class or at work. If they can make a mistake, then surely you’re allowed to make one, too.


You’d think that by now the queen of all things classy would know her song "Rolling In The Deep" by heart, given how many times she's had to sing it in the last six years. But apparently she still gets it wrong from time to time. “Oh, shit, fuck, shit, stop!” Adele orders her crew and starts again. A class act indeed! That's hardly the first or the last time that happened: Adele always gets very animated when she messes up her words.

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